The Phantom Forces script has some basic functions, such as esp and bypass, but you can also use a good aimbot to hit enemies at a distance and not only at a distance exactly in the head. Perhaps that is why Phantom Forces has become very popular on the Roblox platform.

The game goes at quite decent speeds and very drags the player into the gameplay, so you want to play it again and again. The game became known for its realistic sound and smooth game mechanics. It’s not that big of a deal, but it makes a little bit of sense. Phantom Forces is a dynamic and very fast first-person shooter with good graphics, similar to the Battlefield games. For you, this wonderful game that keeps in tension and makes you play it again and again.

Like extensive battles and shooting? Most likely you are a boy or a man.

Phantom Forces script by skatbr developer downloaded 56 times. Local function find_by_name(t, name) for _, v in pairs(t) do if v.name = name then return v end end end,, local actor = find_by_name(getactors(), 'lol'),, - ESP, loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))(),, - aimbot, syn.run_on_actor(actor, ])